What to Pack When you Come to Rehab
What to Bring to Rehab
Check Out Our Comprehensive Packing List for Treatment at The Good Life.
What You Should Pack With You
What to Bring with You
Wondering what you or your loved one should bring when starting our program? Well, you’re in luck! We’ve put together a comprehensive list of what to bring to rehab and, more importantly, what not to bring!
- Appropriate & Comfortable Clothing (more on what constitutes appropriate below)
- Photo IDs (Drivers License, ID, Passport)
- Medical Records & Insurance Cards (including a list of prescription medications)
- Recovery-Based & Inspirational Literature (12-step or otherwise)
- Religious or Spiritually-Based Literature
- Appropriate Swimwear (no revealing bikinis or speedos please!)
- Sunblock, Sunglasses, Flip Flops & Other Beach Supplies
- Toothpaste, Toothbrushes & Other Toiletries (nothing containing alcohol)
- Family Photos, Knick-Knacks & Other Personal Items (excluding expensive jewelry or electronics)
What to Avoid Bringing
- Drugs or Alcohol of Any Kind (with the exception of prescription medicine which will be turned over to our clinical staff)
- Weapons of Any Kind
- Expensive Jewelry or Personal Items
- Phones, Tablets, or Other Electronics (while clients can use these at lower levels of care, they’ll be confiscated during our day/night program)
- Any Clothing Containing References to Drugs, Violence, or Sexually Explicit Material
- Provocative Clothing
- Over-the-Counter Medicine
A quick note – The Good Life isn’t responsible for anything lost or stolen on our clinical or residential properties. While something being stolen isn’t likely to happen, it is a risk you take and admittance to our program constitutes an understanding and legal acceptance of this fact.
Making Recovery Affordable
We Work With Most Major Insurance Plans
We work hard to make addiction treatment in Palm Beach County at The Good Life Treatment Center accessible and affordable. We work with most major insurance carriers to help cover many of the costs associated with treatment. Don’t worry if you don’t see your insurance listed below. Give us a call at (561) 250-8552 to learn more about your personal options for treatment.

Stories of Hope in Addiction Recovery
What Our Clients Say
With an average rating of 4.8 on Google from over 115+ reviews, The Good Life Treatment Center is your top choice for drug & alcohol addiction treatment in Palm Beach, FL.